Jumat, 16 Agustus 2013


Serimpi dance is one kind of Indonesian traditional dances from central Java. The name Serimpi cames from the Javanese word impi (dream). Named serimpi because this dance has a duration of approximately 45 minutes to an hour where the graceful movement of the dancers can take the audience to the another world that is dreamland. Serimpi dance is performed by four people who are all women. The composition of the four dancers symbolize the four directions of the compass is Toya (Water), Grama (Fire), Wind (air) and the earth (ground). While the name of the role is Batak, Gulu, Dhada and Buncit which symbolizes pole marquee.
According to the legend, the emergence of this serimpi dance originated from the era of the Mataram kingdom, during the reign of Sultan Agung (1613-1646). At that time the dance is considered sacred because only performed in the palace as a state ritual to alert sultan ascended the throne. But in 1775, when the kingdom broke into Sultanate of Yogyakarta and Surakarta, serimpi dance then divides into two style, that is Yogyakarta Sultanate style and Surakarta Sultanate style. Serimpi dance in Yogyakarta Sultanate classified into Serimpi Babul Layar, Serimpi Dhempel, Serimpi Genjung. While in the Sultanate of Surakarta classified into Serimpi Anglir Mendung and Serimpi Bondan.
As a classical dance at the Yogyakarta Palace, Serimpi Dance as a noble art has become as well regarded as a palace heritage. Dance themes shown on Serimpi describing dispute between two opposites side that is good and bad, right and wrong, human reason and human passions. Battle expression in the dance is seen clearly in the same movement of two pairs of soldiers supported with weapon properties include a small dagger or cundrik, jebeng, spears, jemparing and guns.
Serimpi dancer wear a Yogyakarta palace wedding dress as a costume with dodotan and gelung bokor as a motive in the head ornament. But as the time flow, the costume changed to seredan cloth and armless dress with frilled headdress of cassowary feathers and a bracelet with ceplok flower ornament and jebehan.  

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